Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Some more from yesterday.. {diy laundry detergent}

Since we literally just dumped all of our money out into the general economy with the wedding, house, and honeymoon, I'd say we are on a preeeetty tight budget these days. And I don't know about you, but when I am forced to choose between the cutest shoes on clearance I have ever seen and a darn 7$ overpriced bottle of laundry detergent... and have to buy the practical choice... I get pissed. 

So I made my own.

(I used this as my base for the recipe, but while at the store I couldn't find all the ingredients, so it's a tad different.)

This says it yields a year's worth of laundry detergent for a fam of four;; so two years worth for me :)

So get on with it!

I used...

3 bars of Ivory soap (because I couldn't find fels naphtha and this was listed on google as a sub)
                    [The bars came in an eight pack for 4$ and some change at target so I'm saying the soap              
                     cost me 1.50$ since I'll use it for my next batch in 2 years.]

1 box of Borax ( 20 Mule brand was 4.95$)

2 cups of baking soda (1.25$)

1/2 a box of oxyclean (from the stain remover section in the laundry aisle) I can't remember the exact   price on this but I think it was about 6$ and I only used half so let's call it 3$

1 bottle of Purex crystals (from the fabric softener section) I used the little container that was 4.75$

... So all together, two years worth of laundry for my little fam is about 15$ (that's a lot of left over shoe money!!!)

How it's done...

It is seriously so simple! 

I used my food processor to grate the ivory soap and it did a heck of a job! Although I did put some oxyclean in there with it to make it a tad easier (thanks to jillie for suggesting that!)

Once that was done, I literally put it all in a container and mixed it up! (I did it in increments so it was easier to mix)

BOOYAH! All done!

2 Tablespoons per load! 

Naturally, I did a load of laundry AS SOON as I was done, and I think this got my stuff way cleaner than the liquid, expensive stuff. Im sold!!

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