Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pasta Sauce

I made homemade pasta sauce last night.

That's a pretty big deal for the girl who set all the fire alarms off last week just making a pork roast.
And for the girl who burnt the burger's at her fiance's "man shower."

I normally take some time with the prep of a meal, but when it comes to actually cooking it I get weird.
I either get bored of waiting and give up or I keep it in FOREVER to make sure it really is cooked all the way.
Point is, I'm not your natural chef. 

Yesterday, my mom and I went to this little farmers market right down the road from me. 
Everything looked so good and fresh and somehow I ended up with lots of tomatoes and nothing to do with them.

When I got home I realized I had all the ingredients to try to make pasta sauce;; and if it failed, I had a store bought jar waiting to come to the rescue.

This is what you'll need...
Really try to use all fresh ingredients,  
the best part of the sauce was how
truly fresh it tasted!
1 TBSP butter
4 large tomatoes (dice 'em)
Some fresh basil (chop it!)
1 tsp olive oil
Mince some garlic
A little flour (I used whole wheat)
Salt and pepper
1/3 cup red wine (you can omit this if ya want;; but don't, it adds great flavor) {pour yourself a glass to drink while you're at it, I did ;) }

Take a pan and start with the oil and butter. 
Once heated, add the tomatoes and garlic. 
Then the basil.
Then salt and pepper.
Then the wine.
And then thicken it little by little with the flour.

It was so good! I am pretty proud of myself!

We put it over chicken, eggplant, and whole wheat pasta.

Best news? There's leftovers!!!!

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